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2021 Wines of Chile Business Summit


Wednesday 6th January saw more than a hundred wine experts, wine importers and distributors invited by Wines of Chile Association to join the 2021 Wines of Chile Business Summit at W Bund Shanghai. Co-organised by Nimbility, this summit’s format was designed to create more business opportunities and to strengthen the cooperation and connection between wine importers and wineries!  


During the summit, in addition to the speeches from the organizers of the event, the Chilean Wine Association and the Consul General of Chile in Shanghai, Ian Ford, Nimbility’s co-founder, and Mr. Wu, General Manager of Fond Wines, were also invited to give speeches to introduce the advantages and market competitiveness of Chilean wines to the guests, along with their respective experience with Chilean wines.


B2B meetings took place following the speeches from key note speakers. The meetings were arranged by Wines of Chile in advance and 30 Chilean winery representatives were seated to meet with wine importers on a one-to-one basis every 20 minutes for a full exchange of views and wine tasting, helping to strengthen and give more substance to the communications between winery and importers.

Throughout the event, a walk-around wine tasting of 30 Chilean wineries was also on offer where guests could not only taste different levels of Chilean wines from each winery, but also have a deeper conversation with the winery representatives and learn more about the history and terroir of the wineries.


A Chilean wine dinner followed in the evening. During the dinner, Nicolai Samsing, Asia Pacific Director of the Chilean Wine Institute, thanked guests for coming and for their love of Chilean wines, celebrating a great foundation for the new development of Chilean wine in China in 2021.